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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Western Digital Passport Portable 120GB USB 2.0 External Hard Drive $99.99

Instantly add portable storage for all your business files, music, videos, and games with a WD Passport Portable Hard Drive. With capacities up to 120 GB, this compact drive weighs only a few ounces and holds tons of valuable data that can be easily shared between office and home, or between Macintosh computers and PCs. Because the drive is powered directly through the USB cable, there is no power adapter to carry. WD understands the importance of the information on your drive so weve designed an elegant and rugged enclosure to protect the 2.5-inch WD hard drive and the data on it. Includes synchronization & encryption, and Google software. is carrying this 120GB USB 2.0 External Hard Drive for $99.99

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