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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

D-Link 802.11g 54Mbps Wireless USB Network Kit - DWL-922 $29.99

D-Link DI-524 Wireless Cable/DSL Router 4-Port Switch: The advanced wireless technology built into the DI-524 now offers up to 54Mbps through its wireless channels, allowing streaming videos and other high bandwidth applications, such as online gaming events to operate without the hassle of Ethernet cables. The ability to transfer high bandwidth also makes streaming real time programs more enjoyable and more efficient. Network Security is a precautionary threat and with the built-in advanced firewall, these threats are minimized, making it more difficult for hackers to penetrate through the DI-524. Features like content filtering, MAC filtering, URL blocking, and Domain blocking are useful tools to prevent other unwanted intruders to connect to your network.

D-Link DWL-G122 Compact Wireless USB Adapter:
D-Link, the industry pioneer in wireless networking, introduces the DWL-G122 Wireless USB Adapter, part of the AirPlus G family of 802.11g wireless networking devices. Using the DWL-G122 Wireless USB Adapter, you can now enable 802.11g wireless connectivity for your PC using the convenience and speed of a USB 2.0 interface is carrying this 802.11g 54Mbps Wireless USB Network Kit for $29.99

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