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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

TomTom GO 510 - Portable GPS System - Preloaded Maps Loaded on a 1GB SD Card $310.99

The TomTom GO 510 Navigation System is easy to use with an extra-wide 4" LCD touchscreen that places easy-to-use navigation literally at your fingertips. Includes detailed maps of the United States and Canada on a SecureDigital card so you get door-to-door navigation across the U.S.A. and Canada. The TomTom GO 510 offers clear spoken instructions in 36 languages in over 50 different voices. It also doubles as a hands-free car kit using Bluetooth technology so you can make and receive calls as you drive with just a touch of the screen. You also get iPod control, a home dock and much more. is carrying this Portable GPS System for $310.99


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