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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Garmin StreetPilot i2 Vehicle Navigation GPS System, 0100043300 (Mfr# 010-00433-00) $187.98

The Garmin StreetPilot i2 Vehicle Navigation GPS System is part of Garmin's line of small, inexpensive automotive GPS navigators. Designed to make driving fun, this affordable system is about the size of a baseball and is targeted to first-time GPS satellite navigation users what want to "get their feet wet" with GPS. Despite its compact size, the StreetPilot i2 has many of the same powerful capabilities as Garmin's other premium automotive GPS navigators. This system features a a unique and convenient click-to-enter scroll wheel and a back button, which makes it easy to select a destination from the unit's menu-driven interface. The StreetPilot i2 also provides voice-prompted, turn-by-turn directions through a built-in speaker, and the unit moves from vehicle to vehicle with an easily-installed, integrated suction cup mount. With the StreetPilot i2, you may never get lost again--if you miss a turn, the system will automatically put you back on track. The StreetPilot i2 comes with a MapSource City Select North America NT v7 DVD, which contains mapping detail of the entire United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Featuring nearly six million points of interest (POI)--including hotels, restaurants, gas stations, ATMs, and attractions--the system allows users to load the city select data onto an included 128 MB Transflash data card via a fast USB connection. And with the help of Garmin's free POI Loader software, the StreetPilot i2 lets you import customized POIs!
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