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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Swiss Army Sportsman II Pocket Knife $9.88

From the renowned company that created the Swiss Army knife a century ago comes this 12-item set of stainless-steel tools--all neatly contained inside a single implement--measures just 3-1/4 inches long. Sheathed in the famous Swiss Army red, the handle on this item is a hard nylon that works to hide scratches and scars from the many trips you'll take it through. The Sportsman II pocket knife is a toolbox small enough to fit into a pocket. (It also comes with a key ring for extra convenience.) A valued companion, this pocket knife carries a lifetime warranty against defects. The tools include a large knife blade, nail file, nail cleaner, corkscrew, can opener, small screwdriver, bottle opener, large screwdriver, wire stripper, reamer, toothpick, and tweezers! iscarrying this Pocket Knife for only $9.88!

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