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Saturday, November 12, 2005

V7 W17PS 17" LCD Display Entertainment Line - 350:1, 8MS, 1280x1024 White - W17PS $221.95 has the V7 W17PS 17" LCD Display Entertainment Line - 350:1, 8MS, 1280x1024 White - W17PS for $221.95

V7 Videoseven offers one of the fastest 17 LC-Display with the V7 W17PS of the innovative Entertainment Line. Key applications for this model are games, videos and multimedia presentations due to the super-fast response time of 8 ms and the high brightness . Beside of these excellent specifications for home entertainment the V7 W17PS is also perfectly equipped for daily office use. The model is also available in silver-black design as V7 E17PS.

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