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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Sony Internal Double/Dual Layer & Dual Format DVD±RW/±R/CD-RW DVD Burner (Mfr# DRU810A) » only $79.99 + Free Shipping

This DVD burner incorporates new 8.5GB DVD-R Dual Layer, DVD+R Double Layer burning and dual format 4.7GB DVD burning. Double/Dual Layer discs let you store up to 8.5GB on a single DVD+R Double Layer or DVD-R Dual Layer disc, giving you plenty of room for more video and audio entertainment, digital photo archives, and information storage. DVD+R burning speed is a blazing 16X max, burning a full DVD in approximately 6 minutes. Double Layer and Dual Layer Recording speed is 8X max. DVD+RW speeds are 8X max for DVD+RW and 6X max for DVD-RW respectively. Ultra fast 48X max CD-R burning means you no longer need a separate CD Burner for good performance. What hasnÂ’t changed is the DRU-810A comes bundled with an unbeatable Nero 6.6 software suite and also includes a black front panel to match black colored PCs!
  • is carrying this Internal DL Dual-Format DVD Burner for $99.99
  • There is a $20 Mfr Mail-In Rebate on it until 12/31/2005
  • This item is eligible for "Free! Super Saver Shipping" on orders over $25
  • Your Final Price: $99.99 - $20 = $79.99 + Free Shipping
  • Note: charges sales tax for orders shipped to the states of Kansas, Kentucky, North Dakota, & Washington

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