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Monday, November 07, 2005

Gigafast 8 Port 10/100MP Palm-Size Switch $9.99 has the Gigafast 8 Port 10/100MP Palm-Size Switch for $9.99

The EZ series of switches are designed to make network installations simple, quick, and easy. To create this easy installation, GigaFast Ethernet engineers have developed a fully Plug-and-Play switch. Not only does the EZ800-S auto-detect if the client is 10 or 100Mbps, it also detects if the client is another switch! If the client is another switch, hub, or router, the EZ800-S will automatically make the client port an uplink port. So when connecting the EZ800-S to a network, just plug it in, and the EZ800-S will do all the rest.

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