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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Edge Memory 128MB DiskGO USB Stainless Watch Drive $22.99 has the Edge Memory 128MB DiskGO USB Stainless Watch Drive for $22.99

This DiskGO! USB Watch Flash Drive serves as a fully functional watch with an integrated USB 1.1 Flash Drive. The DiskGO! Watch plugs directly into any computer's USB port and is plug-and-play compatible with all popular operating systems. The DiskGO! Watch immediately appears as a hard drive on the user's desktop, allowing easy transfer and storage of pictures, MP3s, slide presentations, spreadsheets and other data. Secure Password Protection software is built-in for added security. You might feel a little like a secret agent with this stylish number. User definable areas can be password protected, so you can protect what you want. It's harder to lose and more convenient than a key chain USB memory device and you'll always be on time!

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