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Friday, November 04, 2005

Dell Inspiron 1200 Notebook, Celeron M 1.4GHz, 14.1" XGA, 256MB, 40GB, CD-RW/DVD-ROM Combo, XP Home, WordPerfect » only $448.00 Shipped

  • Go to the product page of this system @ Dell Home
  • Check each and every option to make sure you are getting everything that you need (Configuration changes will affect final price)
  • Proceed to checkout
  • During checkout, apply $100 off special coupon code "JNB9P4HBRP3?FL" on it (Expires 10/25/2005 @ 6AM CST or after first 4000 redemptions)
  • There is a $50 Mail-In Rebate on this system
  • Shipping cost on this system is $49 (Free on $849+)
  • Your Final Price: $549 - $100 - $50 + $49 = $448.00 Shipped
  • Note: Dell Home charges Sales Tax in CA, FL, GA, ID, IL, KY, MI, MN, MS, MO, NV, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OK, PA, TN, TX, VA, WA & WI states

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