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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Altec Lansing GT5051 - 5.1 PC Multimedia Speaker System $39.99 has the Altec Lansing GT5051 - 5.1 PC Multimedia Speaker System for $39.99

The GT5051 is a genuine 5.1 surround sound system with a twist. The "rear" speakers sit on top of the "front" speakers, so there are no rear speaker wires to deal with. Altec Lansing's Side- Firing Surround technology enables vertical stacking because it provides the reflected surround sound that makes music or sound effects rich and immediate. The top speakers are situated at the optimal angle to deliver the clashes, the zooms, and all the sonic nuances - complete with sharp highs and clean midtones. Full-bodied sounds come from the bottom or "front" speakers. A center channel offers crystal-clear movie dialog, while a ported subwoofer completes the sound spectrum with low-frequency, full-throated bass you can feel. Whether you're a gamer, movie aficionado, or music lover, you'll appreciate the elegant simplicity and no-holds-barred sound quality of the Altec Lansing GT5051 speaker system.

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