FinePix A345 Digital Camera 4.1MP & case for $109
Dell Home has the FinePix A345 Digital Camera for $149. Use coupon code 1X$P7BX02DSR35 to save 20% off this item. Coupon code expires after first 1325 uses
Add the Rezo 60 Camera Bag for $11.95 and you can use the stackable coupon code FVTQ0LS4CPMX9P to save an additional $20 from your order.
$149 + $11.95 - 20% - $20 = $109
Add the Rezo 60 Camera Bag for $11.95 and you can use the stackable coupon code FVTQ0LS4CPMX9P to save an additional $20 from your order.
$149 + $11.95 - 20% - $20 = $109
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