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Sunday, October 09, 2005

Dimension E510 3GHz HT 256MB 80GB 19" $799

Dell Home has their Dimension E510 with free 16X CD/DVD burner (DVD+/-RW) upgrade + 19 inch E193FP Analog Flat Panel upgrade for $969. Apply coupon code $M32FDLVPF9T37 [Exp 10/13, 4k] for 20% off, + $24 shipping, bringing the total to $799 shipped.

  • Pentium-4 3.0GHz HT, 256MB DDR2, 80GB SATA, 16x DVD+-RW Drive, 7.1 Audio
  • Dell Keyboard and Mouse, Free ISP, 1-Year Warranty, 10/100 Ethernet
  • Integrated Video, 19" E193FP Analog Flat Panel, XP Media Center 2005 Edition
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