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Friday, October 07, 2005
Canon PowerShot G6 7 Megapixel Digicam $419
Dell Home has the Canon PowerShot G6 7 Megapixel Digital Camera for $599 - 20% code 4SGJ?0?RX81TS4 [Exp 10/11, 125 uses] - $60 off $500 code 82JMMHN1GRWXLZ [Exp 10/13, 7k] = $419 with free shipping. Review
7.1 Megapixel, fast f/2.0-3.0, 35-140mm lens in a compact body
New ergonomic design includes an enhanced SLR type grip, 2.0" LCD
9-point AiAF for precise and accurate focusing, 12 EOS-based Shooting Modes
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